Hamaree Karo Haatha Dai Rachhaa II Protect me O Lord! with Thine own Hands
Pooran Hoei Chita Kee Eichhaa II all the desires of my heart be fulfilled.
Tv Charnna Man Rahai Hamaaraa II Let my mind rest under Thy Feet
Apanaa Jaan Karo Partipaaraa ||377 || Sustain me, considering me Thine own.377.
Hamare Dustta Sabhai Tuma Ghaavahu II Destroy, O Lord! all my enemies and
Aapu Haatha Dai Mohi Bachaavahu II protect me with Thine won Hands.
Sukhee Basai Moro Parivaaraa II May my family live in comfort
Sevaka Sikhi Sabhai Kartaaraa ||378|| and ease alongwith all my servants and disciples.378.
Mo Rachhaa Niju Kar Dai Kariyai II Protect me O Lord! with Thine own Hands
Sabha Bairin Kou Aaja Saanghariyai II and destroy this day all my enemies
Pooran Hoei Hamaaree Aasaa II May all the aspirations be fulfilled
Tori Bhajan Kee Rahai Piyaasaa 11379 || Let my thirst for Name remain afresh.379.
Tumahi Chhaadi Koeee Avar Na Dhaiaaoo || I may remember none else except Thee
Jo Bar Chaahou Su Tuma Te Paaoo II And obtain all the required boons from Thee
Sevaka Sikhi Hamaare Taariyahi II Let my servants and disciples cross the world-ocean
Chuna Chuna Sataru Hamaare Maariyahi II380|| All my enemies be singled out and killed.380.
Aapu Haatha Dai Mujhai Aubariyai II Protect me O Lord! with Thine own Hands and
Marn Kaal Kaa Taraasa Nivariyai II relieve me form the fear of death
Hoojo Sadaa Hamaare Pachhaa II May Thou ever Bestow Thy favours on my side
Sree Asidhuja Joo Kariyahu Rachhaa II381||
Protect me O Lord! Thou, the Supreme Destroyer.381.
Raakhi Lehu Muhi Raakhnhaare II Protect me, O Lord! Thou, the Protector, O Lord !
Saahib Saanta Sahaaei Piyaare II Most dear, the Protector of the Saints:
Deenabaandhu Dusttan Ke Haantaa II Friend of poor and the Destroyer of the enemies
Tuma Ho Puree Chaturdasa Kaantaa II382|| Thou art the Master of the fourteen worlds.382.
Kaal Paaei Barhamaa Bapu Dharaa II In due time Brahma appeared in physical form
Kaal Paaei Siva Joo Avataraa II In due time Shiva incarnated
Kaal Paaei Kari Bisan Parkaasaa II In due time Vishnu manifested himself
Sakala Kaal Kaa Keeyaa Tamaasaa ||383|| All this is the play of the Temporal Lord.383.
Javan Kaal Jogee Siva Keeyo Il The Temporal Lord, who created Shiva, the Yogi
Beda Raaja Barhamaa Joo Theeyo II Who created Brahma, the Master of the Vedas
Javan Kaal Sabha Loka Savaaraa II The Temporal Lord who fashioned the entire world
Namasakaara Hai Taahi Hamaaraa ||384|| I salute the same Lord.384.
Javan Kaal Sabha Jagata Banaayo II The Temporal Lord, who created the whole world
Dev Daita Jachhan Aupajaayo II Who created gods, demons and yakshas
Aadi Aanti Eekai Avataaraa II He is the only one form the beginning to the end
Soeee Guroo Samajhiyahu Hamaaraa II385|| I consider Him only my Guru.385.
Namasakaara Tisa Hee Ko Hamaaree II I salute Him, non else, but Him
Sakala Parjaa Jin Aapa Savaaree II Who has created Himself and His subject
Sivakan Ko Sivaguna Sukh Deeyo II He bestows Divine virtues and happiness on His servants
Sataruna Ko Pala Mo Badha Keeyo ||386|| He destroys the enemies instantly.386.
Ghatta Ghatta Ke Aantar Kee Jaanta II He knows the inner feelings of every heart
Bhale Bure Kee Peera Pachhaanta II He knows the anguish of both good and bad
Cheettee Te Kuaanchar Asathoolaa II From the ant to the solid elephant
Sabha Par Kripaa Drisatti Kari Phoolaa ||387|| He casts His Graceful glance on all and feels pleased.387.
Saantan Dukh Paaee Te Dukhee II He is painful, when He sees His saints in grief
Sukh Paaee Saadhan Ke Sukhee II He is happy, when His saints are happy.
Eeka Eeka Kee Peera Pachhaani II He knows the agony of everyone
Ghatta Ghatta Ke Patta Patta Kee Jaani II388|| He knows the innermost secrets of every heart.388.
Jaba Audakarkh Karaa Kartaaraa II When the Creator projected Himself,
Parjaa Dharta Taba Deha Apaaraa II His creation manifested itself in innumerable forms
Jaba Aakarkh Karta Ho Kabahooaan II When at any time He withdraws His creation,
Tuma Mai Milata Deha Dhar Sabhahooaan ||389 ||
All the physical forms are merged in Him.389.
Jete Badan Srisatti Sabha Dhaarai II All the bodies of living beings created in the world
Aapu Aapunee Boojhi Auchaarai II Speak about Him according to their understanding
Tuma Sabha Hee Te Rahata Niraalama II But Thou, O Lord! live quite apart form everything
Jaanta Beda Bheda Aru Aalama ||390|| This fact is know to the Vedas and the learned.390.
Nrinkaara Nribikaara Nrilaanbha II The Lord is Formless, Sinless and shelterless:
Aadi Aneela Anaadi Asaanbha II He is the Primal Power, Blemishlless, Behinningless and Unborn
Taa Kaa Moorha Auchaarata Bhedaa II The fool claims boastfully about the knowledge of His secrets,
Jaa Ko Bheva Na Paavata Bedaa 11391 || which even the Vedas do not know.391.
Taa Kou Kari Paahan Anumaanta II The fool considers Him a stone,
Mahaa Moorha Kachhu Bheda Na Jaanta || but the great fool does not know any secret
Mahaadev Kou Kahata Sadaa Siva II He calls Shiva “The Eternal Lord,
Nrinkaara Kaa Cheenata Nahi Bhiva II392|| “but he does not know the secret of the Formless Lord.392.
Aapu Aapunee Budhi Hai Jetee II According to ones won intellect,
Barnta Bhiaann Bhiaann Tuhi Tetee II one describes Thee differently
Tumaraa Lakhaa Na Jaaei Pasaaraa II The limits of Thy creation cannot be known
Kih Bidhi Sajaa Parthama Saansaaraa II393|| and how the world was fashioned in the beginning?393.
Eekai Roop Anoop Saroopaa II He hath only one unparalleled Form
Raanka Bhayo Raava Kahee Bhoopaa II He manifests Himself as a poor man or a king at different places
Aandaja Jeraja Setaja Keenee II He created creatures from eggs, wombs and perspiration
Autabhuja Khaani Bahuri Rachi Deenee II394|| Then He created the vegetable kingdom.394.
Kahooaan Phooli Raajaa Havai Baitthaa II Somewhere He sits joyfully as a king
Kahooaan Simatti Bhayo Saankar || Somewhere He contracts Himself as
Eikaitthaa II Shiva, the Yogi
Sagaree Srisatti Dikhaaei Achaanbhava II All His creation unfolds wonderful things
Aadi Jugaadi Saroop Suyaanbhava ||395|| He, the Primal Power, is from the beginning and Self-Existent.395.
Aba Rachhaa Meree Tuma Karo II O Lord! keep me now under Thy protection
Sikhi Aubaari Asikhi Saangharo II Protect my disciples and destroy my enemies
Dustta Jite Autthavata Autapaataa II Sakala Malechha Karo Ran Ghaataa II396|| All the villains creations outrage and all the infidels be destroyed in the battlefield.396.
Je Asidhuja Tava Sarnee Pare II Tin Ke Dustta Dukhita Havai Mare II O Supreme Destroyer ! those who sought Thy refuge, their enemies met painful death.
Purkh Javan Pagu Kare Tihaare II Tin Ke Tuma Saankatta Sabha Ttaare II39|| The persons who fell at Thy Feet, Thou didst remove all their troubles.397.
Jo Kali Kou Eika Baara Dhiaaihi II Taa Ke Kaal Nikatti Nahi Aaihi II Those who meditate even on the Supreme Destroyer, the death cannot approach them
Rachhaa Hoei Taahi Sabha Kaalaa II They remain protected at all times
Dustta Arisatta Ttarina Tatakaalaa ||398|| Their enemies and troubles come to and end instantly.398.
Kripaa Drisatti Tan Jaahi Nihriho II Taa Ke Taapa Tanka Mahi Hariho II Upon whomsoever Thou dost cast Thy favourable glance, they are absolved of sins instantly
Ridhi Sidhi Ghar Mo Sabha Hoeee II They have all the worldly and spiritual pleasures in their homes
Dustta Chhaaha Chhavai Sakai Na Koeee ||399|| None of th enemies can even touch their shadow.399.
Eeka Baara Jin Tumai Saanbhaaraa II Kaal Phaasa Te Taahi Aubaaraa II He, who remembered Thee even once, Thou didst protect him from the noose of death
Jin Nar Naam Tihaaro Kahaa II Daarida Dustta Dokh Te Rahaa ||400|| Those persons, who repeated Thy Name, they were saved from poverty and attacks of enemies.400.
Khrhagaketu Mai Sarni Tihaaree II Aapu Haatha Dai Lehu Aubaaree II Sarba Tthour Mo Hohu Sahaaeee II Dustta Dokh Te Lehu Bachaaeee ||401|| Bestow Thy help on me at all places and protect me from the designs of my enemies.401.
Kripaa Karee Hama Par Jagamaataa II Graanth Karaa Pooran Subharaataa II The Mother of the world has been kind towards me and I have completed the book this auspicious night
Kilabikh Sakala Dekh Ko Hartaa II Dustta Dokhiyan Ko Chhai Kartaa ||402|| The Lord is the destroyer of all the sins of the body and all the malicious and wicked persons.402.
Sree Asidhuja Jaba Bhaee Dayaalaa II Pooran Karaa Graanth Tatakaalaa II When Mahakal became kind, He immediately caused me to complete this book
Man Baachhata Phala Paavai Soeee II Dookh Na Tisai Biaapata Koeee ||403|| He will obtain the fruit desired by the mind (who will read or listen to this book) and no suffering will occur to him.403.
Sunai Guaanga Jo Yaahi Su RasanaaPaavaeee II The dumb, who will listen to it, will be blessed with the tongue to speak
Sunai Moorha Chita Laaei Chaturtaa Aavaeee II The fool, who will listen to it attentively, will get wisdom
Dookh Darda Bhou Nikatta Na Tin Nar Ke Rahai II That person will be absolved of suffering, pain or fear,
Ho Jo Yaa Kee Eeka Baara Choupaee Ko Kahai ||404|| Who will even once recite this Chaupai-prayer.404.
Saanbata Satarha Sahasa Bhanijai II Ardha Sahasa Phuni Teeni Kahijai II Bhaadarva Sudee Asattamee Ravi Vaaraa || Teera Satudarva Graanth Sudhaaraa II405|| It was Bikrami Samvat 1753
Savaiyaa II SWAYYA
Paanei Gahe Jaba Te Tumare Taba Te Koaoo Aanakh Tare Nahee Aanyo II O God! the day when I caught hold of your feet, I do not bring anyone else under my sight
Raam Raheema Puraan Kuraan Aneka Kahain Mata Eeka Na Maanyo II None other is liked by me now the Puranas and the Quran try to know Thee by the names of Ram and Rahim and talk about you through several stories,
Siaanmriti Saastar Beda Sabhai Bahu Bheda Kahai Hama Eeka Na Jaanyo II The Simritis, Shastras and Vedas describe several mysteries of yours, but I do not agree with any of them.
Sree Asipaan Kripaa Tumaree Kari Mai Na Kahayo Sabha Tohi Bakhaanyo ||863|| O sword-wielder God! This all has been described by Thy Grace, what power can I have to write all this?.863.
Doharaa II DOHRA
Sagala Duaara Kau Chhaadi Kai Gahayo Tuhaaro Duaara II O Lord! I have forsaken all other doors and have caught hold of only Thy door. O Lord! Thou has caught hold of my arm
Baanhi Gahe Kee Laaja Asi Gobiaanda Daasa Tuhaara ||864|| I, Govind, am Thy serf, kindly take (care of me and) protect my honour.864.