Nitnem Path

Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru

star Raag Mala English Translation star

Raag Mala
Ek Onkar, Satgur Prasad:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Raag Mala:
Raag Maalaa:

raag ayk sang panch barangan.
Each Raga has five wives,
sang alaapeh aath-o nandan.
and eight sons, who emit distinctive notes.
paratham raag bhairo vai karhee.
In the first place is Raag B
panch raagnee sang uchrahee.
It is accompanied by the voices of its five Raaginis:
paratham bhairvee bilaavalee.
First come Bhairavee, and Bilaavalee;
punni-aakee gaavahi banglee.
then the songs of Punni-aakee and Bangalee;
pun aslaykhee kee bha-ee baaree.
and then Asalaykhee.
ay bhairo kee paacha-o naaree.
These are the five consorts of Bhairao.
pancham harakh disaakh sunaaveh.
The sounds of Pancham, Harakh and Disaakh;
bangaalam maDh maaDhav gaavahi.||
the songs of Bangaalam, Madh and Maadhav. 

lalat bilaaval gaavhee apunee apunee bhaaNt.
Lalat and Bilaaval – each gives out its own melody.
asat putar bhairav kay gaavahi gaa-in paatar. ||
when these eight sons of Bhairao are sung by accomplished musicians. 

dutee-aa maalka-usak aalaapeh.
In the second family is Maalakausak,
sang raagnee paacha-o thaapeh.
who brings his five Raaginis:
goNdkaree ar dayvganDhaaree.
Gondakaree and Dayv Gandhaaree,
ganDhaaree seehutee uchaaree
the voices of Gandhaaree and Seehutee,
Dhanaasree ay paacha-o gaa-ee.
and the fifth song of Dhanaasaree.
maal raag ka-usak sang laa-ee.
This chain of Maalakausak brings along:
maaroo masatang mayvaaraa.
Maaroo, and the intoxicating Mayvaaraa,
parabalchand ka-usak ubhaaraa.
Prabal, Chanda, Kausak, Ubara
kha-ukhat a-o bha-uraanad gaa-ay.
Khaukhat and Bauraanad singing.
asat maalka-usak sang laa-ay. ||
These are the eight sons of Maalakausak. 

pun aa-i-a-o hindol panch naar sang asat sut.
Then comes Hindol with his five wives and eight sons;
utheh taan kalol gaa-in taar milaavahee. ||
It rises in waves when the sweet-voiced chorus sings. 

taylangee dayvkaree aa-ee.
There come Taylangee and Darvakaree;
basantee sandoor suhaa-ee.
Basantee and Sandoor follow;
saras aheeree lai bhaarjaa.
then Aheeree, the finest of women.
sang laa-ee paaNcha-o aarjaa.
These five wives come together.
surmaanand bhaaskar aa-ay.
The sons: Surmaanand and Bhaaskar come,
chandarbimb manglan suhaa-ay.
Chandrabinb and Mangalan follow.
sarasbaan a-o aahi binodaa.
Sarasbaan and Binodaa then come,
gaavahi saras basant kamodaa..
and the thrilling songs of Basant and Kamodaa.
asat putar mai kahay savaaree.
These are the eight sons I have listed.
pun aa-ee deepak kee baaree. ||
Then comes the turn of Deepak.

kachhaylee patmanjree todee kahee alaap.
Kachhaylee, Patamanjaree and Todee are sung;
kaamodee a-o goojree sang deepakkay thaap. ||
Kaamodee and Goojaree accompany Deepak. 

kaalankaa kuntal a-o raamaa.
Kaalankaa, Kuntal and Raamaa,
kamalkusam champak kay naamaa.
Kamalakusam and Champak are their names;
ga-uraa a-o kaanraa kal-yaanaa.
Gauraa, Kaanaraa and Kaylaanaa;
asat putar deepak kay jaanaa. ||
these are the eight sons of Deepak. 
sabh mil sireeraag vai gaavahi.
All join together and sing Siree Raag,
paaNcha-o sang barangan laaveh.
which is accompanied by its five wives.:
bairaaree karnaatee Dharee.
Bairaaree and Karnaatee,
gavree gaaveh aasaavaree.
the songs of Gawree and Aasaavaree;
tih paachhai sinDhvee alaapee.
then follows Sindhavee.
sireeraag si-o paaNcha-o thaapee. ||
These are the five wives of Siree Raag. 

saaloo saarag saagraa a-or gond gambheer.
Saaloo, Saarang, Saagaraa, Gond and Gambheer –
asat putar sareeraag kay gund kumbhhameer. ||
the eight sons of Siree Raag include Gund, Kumb and Hameer.

khastam maygh raag vai gaavahi.
In the sixth place, Maygh Raag is sung,
paaNcha-o sang barangan laaveh.
with its five wives in accompaniment:
sorath gond malaaree Dhunee.
Sorat’h, Gond, and the melody of Malaaree;
pun gaavahi aasaa gun gunee.
then the harmonies of Aasaa are sung.
oochai sur sooha-o pun keenee.
And finally comes the high tone Soohau.
maygh raag si-o paaNcha-o cheenee.||
These are the five with Maygh Raag. 

bairaaDhar gajDhar kaydaaraa.
Bairaadhar, Gajadhar, Kaydaaraa,
jableeDhar nat a-o jalDhaaraa.
Jabaleedhar, Nat and Jaladhaaraa.
pun gaavahi sankar a-o si-aamaa.
Then come the songs of Shankar and Shi-aamaa.
maygh raag putran kay naamaa. ||
These are the names of the sons of Maygh Raag. 

khasat raag un gaa-ay sang raagnee tees.
So all together, they sing the six Raagas and the thirty Raaginis,
sabhai putar raagann kay athaarah dasbees. ||
and all the forty-eight sons of the Raagas. 

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