Nitnem Path

Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru Satnam Waheguru

star Jaap Sahib English Translation star

Jaap Sahib

Ik onkar satgur parsad.
The Lord is One and the victory is of the Lord.

Name of the Bani: Japu Sahib

siri mukh vak paatshahi 10
The sacred utterance of The Tenth Sovereign:

chaupayee chhund. tav parsad.

chakar chehun ar burn, jaat ar paat nehun jeh
He who is without mark or sign, He who is without caste or line.

roop rung ar raikh, bhaikh kohoo keh na skut keh
He who is without colour or form, and without any distinctive norm.

achul mooret anbho parkas ametoje kehjai
He who is without limit and motion, All effulgence, non-descript Ocean.

koti eindar eindran saho sahan gnejai
The Lord of millions of Indras and kings, the Master of all worlds and beings.

tirbhavn maheep sur nar asur naiti naiti bun tirun keht
Each twig of the foliage proclaims: “Not this Thou art.”

tav sarb nam kathai kavan karm nam barnt sumati. (1)All Thy Names cannot be told. One doth impart Thy Action-Name with benign heart.1.

ਭੁਜੰਗ ਪ੍ਰਯਾਤ ਛੰਦ ॥

namustvun akalai, namustvun kirpalai
namustvun aroopai, namustvun anoopai (2)
Salutation to Thee O Timeless Lord
Salutation to Thee O Beneficent Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Formless Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Wonderful Lord! 2.

namustun abhaikhai, namustun alakhai
namustun akaey, namustun ajaey. (3)
Salutation to Thee O Garbless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Accountless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Bodyless Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Unborn Lord!3.

nabustun agunjai, namustun abhunjai
namustun anamai, namustun athamai. (4)
Salutation to Thee O Indestructible Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Indivisible Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Nameless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Non-Spatial Lord ! 4

namustun akarmun, namustun adharmun
namustun anamun, namustun adhamun. (5)
Salutation to Thee O Deedless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Non-Religious Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Nameless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Abodeless Lord! 5

namustun ajitai, namustun abhitai
namustun anahai, namustun adhahai. (6)
Salutation to Thee O Unconquerable Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Fearless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Vehicleless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Unfallen Lord! 6

namustun anilai, namustun anadai
namustun achaidai, namustun aghadhai. (7)
Salutation to Thee O Colourless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Beginningless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Blemishless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Infinite Lord! 7

namustun agunjai, namustun abhunjai
namustun oodharai, namustun aparai (8)
Salutation to Thee O Cleaveless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Partless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Generous lord!
Salutation to Thee O Limitless Lord! 8

namustun so aikai, namustun anaikai
namustun abhootai, namustun ajoopai. (9)
Salutation to Thee O THE ONLY ONE LORD!
Salutation to Thee O The Multi-form Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Non-elemental Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Bondless Lord! 9

namustun nirkarmai, namustun nirbharmai
namustun nirdeasai, namustun nirbhaisai. (10)
Salutation to Thee O Deedless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Doubtless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Homeless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Garbless Lord! 10

namustun nirnamai , namustun nirkamai
namustun nirdhatai, namustun nirghatai (11)
Salutation to Thee O Nameless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Desireless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Non-elemental Lord!
Salutation to Thee O invincible Lord! 11

namustun nirdhootai, namustun abhootai
namustun alokai, namustun asokai. (12)
Salutation to Thee O Motionless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Elementless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Invinciblle Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Griefless Lord! 12

namustun nirtapai, namustun athapai
namustun tirmanai, namustun nidhanai. (13)
Salutation to Thee O Woeless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Non-established Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Universally-Honoured Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Treasure Lord! 13

namustun aghahai, namustun athahai
namustun tirbargai, namustun asargai. (14)
Salutation to Thee O Bottomless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Motionless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Virtue-full Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Unborn Lord! 14

namustun parbhogai, namustun sojogai
namustun arungai, namustun abhungai. (15)
Salutation to Thee O Enjoyer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Well-united Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Colourless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Immortal Lord! 15

namustun aghumai, namustsat rumai
namustun jalasrai, namustun nirasrai. (16)
Salutation to Thee O Unfathomable Lord!
Salutation to Thee O All-Pervasive Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Water-Sustainer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Propless Lord! 16

namustun ajatai, namustun apatai
namustun amujbai, namustsut ajabai. (17)
Salutation to Thee O Casteless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Lineless Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Religionless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Wonderful Lord! 17

adaisun adaisai, namustun abhaisai
namustun nirdhamai, namustun nirbamai. (18)
Salutation to Thee O Homeless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Garbless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Abodeless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Spouseless Lord! 18

namo sarb kalai, namo sarb dayalai
namo sarb roopai, namo sarb bhoopai. (19)
Salutation to Thee O All-destroyer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Entirely Generous Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Mullti-form Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Universal King Lord! 19

namo sarb khapai, namo sarb thapai
namo sarb kalai, namo sarb palai. (20)
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Establisher Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Annihilator Lord!
Salutation to Thee O All-sustainer Lord! 20

namsatsut devai, namustun abhaivai
namustun ajanmai, namustun sobanmai. (21)
Salutation to Thee O Divine Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Mysterious Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Unborn Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Loveliest Lord! 21

namo sarb gounai, namo sarb bhounai
namo sarb rungai, namo sarb bhungai. (22)
Salutation to Thee O All-Pervasive Lord!
Salutation of Thee O All-Permeator Lord!
Salutation to Thee O All-loving Lord!
Salutation to Thee O All-destroying Lord! 22

namo kal kalai, namustst dayalai
namustun abarnai, namustun amarnai. (23)
Salutation to Thee O Death-destroyer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Beneficent Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Colourless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Deathless Lord! 23

namustun jararung, namustun kirtarun
namo sarb dhundhai, namo sutt abundhai. (24)
Salutation to Thee O Omnipotent Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Doer Lord.!
Salutation to Thee 0 Involved Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Detached Lord! 24

namustun nirsakai, namustun nirbakai
namustun rahimai, namustun karimai. (25)
Salutation to Thee O Kindredless
Salutation to Thee O Fearless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Generous Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Merciful Lord! 25

namustun anuntai, namustun mahuntai
namustst ragai, namustun sohagai (26)
Salutation to Thee O Infinite Lord!
Salutation to the Thee O Greatest Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Lover Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Universal Master Lord! 26

namo sarb sokhun, namo sarb pokhun
namo sarb karta, namo sarb harta. (27)
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Sustainer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Creator Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Great Indulger Lord! 27

namo jog jogai, namo bhog bhogai
namo sarb dayalai, namo sarb palai. (28)
Salutation to Thee O Greatest Lord!
Salutation to Thee Great Indulger Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Gracious Lord!
Salutation to Thee O sustainer Lord! 28


aroop hain, anoop hain, ajoo hain abhoo hai(29)
Thou art Formless Lord!
Thou art Unparalleled Lord!
Thou art Unborn Lord!
Thou art Non-Being Lord! 29

alaikh hain, abhaikh hain, anam hain, akam hain. (30)
Thou art Unaccountable Lord!
Thou art Garbless Lord!
Thou art Nameless Lord!
Thou art Desireless Lord ! 30

adhai hain, abhai hain, ajeet hain, abheet hain. (31)
Thou art Propless Lord!
Thou art Non-Discriminating Lord!
Thou art Unconquerable Lord !
Thou art Fearless Lord ! 31

tireman hain. nidhan hain, tirburg hain, asarg hain. (32)
Thou art Universally-Honoured Lord!
Thou art the Treasure Lord!
Thou art Master of Attributes Lord!
Thou art Unborn Lord ! 32

anil hain, anadi hain, ajai hain, ajadi hain. (33)
Thou art Colourless Lord!
Thou art Beginningless Lord!
Thou art Unborn Lord!
Thou art Independent Lord ! 33

ajanam hain, abarn hain, abhoot hain, abharan hain. (34)
Thou art Unborn Lord!
Thou art Colourless Lord!
Thou art Elementless Lord!
Thou art Perfect Lord! 34

agunj hain, abhunj hain, ajoojh hain, ajhunjh hain. (35)
Thou art Invincible Lord!
Thou art Unbreakable Lord!
Thou art Unconquerable Lord!
Thou are Tensionless Lord ! 35

amik hain, rafiq hain, adhundh hain, abundh hai. (36)
Thou art Deepest Lord!
Thou art Friendliest Lord!
Thou art Strife less Lord!
Thou art Bondless Lord ! 36

nirboojh hain, asoojh hain, akal hain, ajal hain. (37)
Thou art Unthinkable Lord !
Thou art Unknowable Lord!
Thou art Immortal Lord !
Thou art Unbound Lord ! 37

alah hain, ajah hain, anunt hain, mahunt hain.(38)
Thou art Unbound Lord !
Thou art Placeless Lord!
Thou art Infinite Lord!
Thou art Greatest Lord ! 38

aleek hain, nirsrik hain, nirlumbh hain, asumbh hain. (39)
Thou art Limitless Lord!
Thou art Unparalleled Lord!
Thou art Propless Lord!
Thou art Unborn Lord! 39

agum hain, ajum hain, abhoot hai, achoot hain. (40)
Thou art Unfathomable Lord!
Thou art Unborn Lord!
Thou art Elementless Lord!
Thou art Uncontaminated Lord ! 40

alok hain, ashok hain, akaram hain, abharm hain. (41)
Thou art All-Pervasive Lord!
Thou art Woeless Lord!
Thou art Deedless Lord!
Thou art Illusionless Lord! 41

ajit hain, abheet hain, atha hain, agah hain. (42)
Thou art Unconquerable Lord!
Thou art Fearless Lord!
Thou art Motionless Lord!
Thou art Unfathomable Lord. ! 42

aman hain, nidhan hain, anaik hain, phir aik hain. (43)
Thou art Immeasurable Lord!
Thou art the Treasure Lord!
Thou art Manifold Lord!
Thou art the Only one Lord! 43


namo sarb manai, smasti nidhanai
namo dev devai, abhaikhi abhaivai. (44)
Salutation to Thee O
Universally-Honoured Lord!
Salutation to Thee O the Treasure Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Greatest Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Garbless Lord! 44

namo kal kalai, namo sarb palai.
namo sarb gounai, namo sarb bhounai. (45)
Salutation to Thee O Death-Destroyer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Sustainer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O All-Pervasive Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Sustainer Lord! 45

anungi anathai, nirsungi parmathai
namo bhan bhanai, namo man manai. (46)
Salutation to Thee O Limitless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Masterless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Omnipotent Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Greatest Sun Lord! 46

namo chundar chundrai, mamo bhan bhanai
namo geet geetai , namo tan tanai. (47)
Salutation to Thee O Moon-Soverieign Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Sun-Sovereign Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Song Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Tune Lord ! 47

namo nirat nirtai, namo nad nadai
namo pan panai, namo bad badai. (48)
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Dance Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Sound Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Water-Essence Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Air-Essence Lord! 48

anungi anamai, smusti sroopai
parbhungi parmathai, smusti bebhootai. (49)
Salutation to Thee O Bodyless Lord ! Salutation to Thee O Nameless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O All-Form Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer Lord! Salutation to Thee O Omnipotent Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Greatest to All Lord 49

klunkun bina, naiklunki sroopai.
namo raj rajai svrun parm roopai. (50)
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Sovereign Lord! Salutation to Thee O Most Beautiful Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Supreme
Sovereign Lord! Salutation to Thee
Most Beautiful Lord ! 50

namo jog jogai, svrun parm sidhai.
namo raj rajai, svrun parm birdhai. (51)
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Yogi Lord! Salutation to Thee O Supreme Adept Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Emperor Lord! Salutation to Thee O Supreme Entity Lord ! 51

namo sustar panai, namo astar manai.
namo parm gayata, namo lok mata. (52)
Salutation to Thee O Weapon-wielder Lord I
Salutation to Thee O Weapon-user Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Knower Lord! Salutation to Thee O Illusionless Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Universal Mother Lord ! 52

abhaikhi abharmi abhogi abhugtai
namo jog jogai svrun parm jugtai. (53)
Salutation to Thee Garbless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Temptationless Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Yogi Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Supremely-disciplined Lord! 53

namo nit narayanai karoor karmai
namo prait aprait daivai sodharmai. (54)
Salutation to Thee O Benign
Protector Lord! Salutation to Thee O
Heinous-actions-Performer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Virtuous-Sustainer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Love-Incarnate Lord ! 54

namo rog harta, namo rag roopai.
namo shah shahai, namo bhoop bhoopai. (55)
Salutation to Thee O Ailments-remover Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Love-Incarnate Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Emperor Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Sovereign Lord! 55

namo dan danai,namo maun maunai
namo rog rogai, namustun eisnanun. (56)
Salutation to Thee O Greatest Donor Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Greatest-Honours-Recipient Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Ailments-Destroyer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Health-Restorer Lord ! 56

namo muntar muntrun, namo juntar juntrun
namo eist eistai, namo tuntar tuntrun. (57)
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Mantra Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Yantra Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Highest-Worship-Entity Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Tantra Lord ! 57

sada sachdanund sarbun pransi, anoopai sroopai smustul nivasi. (58)
Thou art ever Lord Truth, Consciousness and Bliss
Unique, Formless, All-Pervading and All-Destoryer. 58.

sada sidhi -da budhi -da bridhi karta
adho oordh ardhun aghun ogh harta (59)
Thou art the Giver of riches and wisdom and Promoter.
Thou Pervadest netherworld, heaven and space and Destroyer of inumerable sins. 59.

prun parm parmesaisvrun proch palun,
sada sarbda sidhi data dyalun. (60)
Thou art the Supreme Master and Sustain all without being seen,
Thou art ever the Donor of riches and merciful. 60.

achaidi abhaidi anamun akamun,
smasto praji smastsut dhamun. (61)
Thou art Invincible, Unbreakable, Nameless and Lustless.
Thou art Victorious over all and art present every-where. 61.



Jale Hain, Thale Hain, Abheet Hain, Abhe Hain (62)
Thou art in water.
Thou art on land.
Thou art Fearless.
Thou art Indiscriminate.62.

parbhu hain, aju hain, adais hain, abhais hain. (63)
Thou art the Master of all.
Thou art Unborn.
Thou art Countryless.
Thou art Garbless.63.


agadhai, abadhai, anundi sroopai.
namo sarb manai, smusti nidhanai. (64)
Salutation to Thee O Impenetrable Lord! Salutation to Thee O Unbound Lord !
Salutation to Thee O All-Bliss Entity Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Universally-Honoured Lord!
Salutation to Thee O All-Treasure Lord ! 64

namustvun nirnathai, namustvun parmathai
namustvun agunjai, namustvun abhunjai. (65)
Salutation to Thee O Masterless Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Unconquerable Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Invincible Lord! 65

namustvun akalai, namustvun apalai.
namo sarb daisai, namo sarb bhaisai. (66)
Salutation to Thee O Deathless Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Patronless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O All-Pervasive Lord!
Salutation to Thee O All-garb Lord ! 66

namo raj rajai, namo saj sajai.
namo shah shahai, namo mah mahai. (67)
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Sovereign Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Best Musical Equipment Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Emporer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Moon Lord! 67

namo geet geetai, namo preeet preetai.
namo rokh rokhai, namo sokh sokhai. (68)
Salutation to Thee O Song Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Love Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Zeal Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Brightest Lord! 68

namo sarb rogai, namo sarb bhogai.
namo sarb jeetun, namo sarb bheetun. (69)
Salutation to Thee O Universal Ailment Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Universal Enjoyer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Universal Ailment Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Universal Fear Lord! 69

namo sarb gyanun, namo parm tanun
namo sarb muntrun, namo sarb juntrun. (70)
Salutation to Thee O Omniscient Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Omnipotent Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Entire-Mantras-Knower Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Entire-Yantras Knower Lord! 70

namo sarb dirsun, namo sarb kirsun.
namo sarb runrungai, tirbhungi anungai. (71)
Salutation to Thee O All-Beholder Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Universal attraction Lord!
Salutation to Thee O All-Colour Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Three-World-Destroyer Lord! 71

namo jiv jeevai, namo bij bijai.
akhiji abhijai, smustun parsijai. (72)
Salutation to Thee O Universal-Life
Salutation to Thee O Primal-Seed Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Harmless Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Non-Appeaser Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Universal Boon-Bestwer Lord! 72

kirpalun sroopai kukarmun parnasi.
sada sarbda ridhi sidhun nivasi. (73)
Salutation to Thee O Generosity-Embodiment Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Sins-Destroyer Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Ever-Universal Riches Denizen Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Ever-Universal Powers Denizen Lord! 73


amrit karmai, abrit dharmai, akhal jogai, achal bhogai. (74)
Thy actions are Permanent,
Thy Laws are Permanent.
Thou art united with all,
Thou art their permanent Enjoyer.74.

achal rajai, atal sajai, akhal dharmun, alakh kamun. (75)
Thy Kingdom is Permanent,
Thy Adornment is Permanent.
Thy Laws are Complete,
Thy Words are beyond Comprehension.75.

sarbun data, sarbun giyata, sarbun bhanai, sarbun manai (76)
Thou art the universal Donor,
Thou art Omniscient.
Thou art the Enlightener of all!
Thou art the Enjoyer of all.76.

sabun pranun, sabun tranun, sarbun bhugta sarbun jugta. (77)
Thou art the Life of all,
Thou art the Strength of all.
Thou art the Enjoyer of all,
Thou art United with all.77.

sabun devun, sarbun bhavun, sarbun kalai, sarbun palai. (78)
Thou art worshipped by all,
Thou art a mystery for all.
Thou art the Destroyer of all,
Thou art the Sustainer of all.78.


adi roop anadi moorat ajoni purkh apar.
sarb maun trimaun dev abhaiv adi oodar.
sarb palak sarb ghalak sarb ko puni kal.
jatar tatar birajhi avdhoot roop rasal. (79)
Thou art the Supreme Purush, an Eternal Entity in the beginning and free from birth.
Worshipped by all and venerated by three gods, Thou art without difference and art Generous from the very beginning.
Thou art the Creator Sustainer, Inspirer and Destroyer of all.
Thou art present everywhere like an ascetic with a Generous disposition. 79.

nam tham na jati jakar roop rung na raikh
adi purkh odhar moorat ajoni adi asaikh
dais aur na bhais jakar roop raikh na rag
jatar tatar disa visa hoeh phailio anurag. (80)
Thou art Nameless, Placeless, Casteless, Formless, Colourless, Casteless and without lineage?
Thou, the Primal Purusha, art Unborn, Lineless.
Generous Entity and Perfect from the very beginning.
Thou art Countryless, Garbless, Formless, Lineless and Non-attached.
Thou art present in all direction and conners and Pervadest the Universe as Love. 80.

nam kam beheen paikhat dham hoon neh jaeh.
sarb maun, sarbatar maun, sdev manat taeh
aik moorat anaik darsan, keen roop anaik
khail khaile, akhail khailun, aunt ko phir aik. (81)
Thou appearest without name desire, thou hast no particular Abode.
Thou, being worshipped by all, art the Enjoyer of all.
Thou, the One Entity, appearest as Many creating innumerable forms.
After playing the world-drama, when Thou wilt stop the play, Thou wilt be the same One again. 81.

dev bhive na janhi jeh baid aur kataib.
roop rung na jati pati so janhi keh jaib
tat mat na jati jakar jnam mran beheen
chakar bakar phirai chatur chak manhi pur teen. (82)
The gods and the Scriptures of Hindus and Muslims do not know Thy secret.
How to know Thee when thou art Formless, Colourless, Casteless and without lineage?
Thou art without father and mother and art casteless, Thou art without births and deaths.
Thou movest fast like the disc in all the four directions and art worshipped by the three worlds. 82.

lok chaudah kai bikhai jug japhi jeh japu.
adi dev anadi mooret thapio sabai jeh thap.
parm roop pooneet mooret pooran purkh apar.
sarb bisv rachio soyunbhv garhan bhunjnhar. (83).
The Name is recited in the fourteen divisions of the universe.
Thou, the Primal God, art Eternal Entity and hast created the entire universe.
Thou, the holiest Entity, art of Supreme Form, Thou art Bondless, Perfect Purusha.
Thou, the Self-Existent, Creator and Destroyer, hast crated the whole universe. 83.

kal heen kla sunjugat akal purkh adais.
dharam dham so bharm rehat abhoot alakh abhais.
aung rag na rung jakeh jati pati na nam.
garb gunjan dust bhunjan mukat daeik kam. (84)
Thou art Dearthless, Almighty, Timeless Purasha and Countryless.
Thou art the Abode of righteousness,
Thou art Illusionless, Garbless, Incomprehensible and devoid of five elements.
Thou art without body, without attachment, without colour, caste, lineage and name.
Thou art the Destroyer of ego, the vanquisher of tyrants and performer of works leading to salvation.84.

aap roop ameek an-ostat aik purkh avdhoot
garb ganjan sarb bhanjan adi roop asoot
aung heen abhung anatam aik purkh apar
sarb laeik sarb ghaeik sarb ko pritpar. (85)
Thou art the Deepest and Indescribable Entity, the One unique ascetic Purusha.
Thou, the Unborn Primal Entity, art the Destroyer of all egocentric people.
Thou, the Boundless Purusha, art Limbless, Indestructible and without self.
Thou art capable of doing everything, Thou Destroyest all and Sustainestall. 85.

Sarba Gaantaa Sarab Haantaa Sarab Te Anbhekh II
Sarba Saastar Na Jaanhee Jih Roop Raangu Aru Rekh II
Parma Beda Puraan Jaakahi Neti Bhaakhta Nita II
Kotti Siaanmriti Puraan Saastar Na Aavaeee Vahu Chiti ||8||86||
Thou knowest all, Destroyest all and art beyond all the guises.
Thy form, colour and marks are not known to all the Scriptures.
The Vedas and the Puransa always declare Thee the Supreme and the Greatest.
None can comprehend thee completely through millions of Smritis, Puranas and Shastras.86.


gun gan oodar, mehma apar.
aasan abhung, oopma anung. (87)
The Virtues like Generosity and
Thy Praises are Unbouded.
Thy seat is Eternal
Thy Eminence is Perfect.87.

anbhav parkas, nis din anas.
aajan baho, shahan shah. (88)
Thou art Self-luminous
And remianest the same during day and night.
They arms stretch upto Thy knees and
Thou art king of kings.88.

rajan raj, bhanan bhanu.
daivan dev, oopma mahan. (89)
Thou art king of kings.
Sun of suns.
Thou art God of gods and
Of greatest Eminence.89.

indran inder, balan bal, runkan runk, kalan kal. (90)
Thou art Indra of Indras,
Smallest of the Small.
Thou art Poorest of the Poor
And Death of Deaths.90.

anbhoot aung, aabha abhung, kati mit apar, gun gan oodar. (91)
Thy Limbs are not of five elements,
Thy glow is Eternal.
Thou art Immeasurable and
Thy Virtues like Generosity are countless.91

muni gan parnam, nirbhai nikam
ati duti parchund, miti gati akhund. (92)
Thou art Fearless and Desireless and
All the Sages bow before Thee.
Thou, of the brightest effulgence,
Art perfect in Thy Doings.92.

aalisiay karm, aadirsay dharam
sarba bharnadhay, andund badhay (93)
Thy works are spontaneous
And Thy laws are ideal.
Thou Thyself art wholly ornamented
And none can chastise Thee.93.


gobindai, mukanday, oodarai, aparai (94)
O the Preserver Lord !
O Salvation-Giver Lord !
O Most Genereous Lord!
O Boundless Lord ! 94.

hariaun, kariaun, nirnamai, akamai. (95)
O Destroyer Lord!
O the Creator Lord !
O the Nameless Lord!
O the Desireless Lord! 95.


chatar chakr karta, chatar chakr harta.
chatar chakr danai, chatar chakr janai. (96)
O the Creator Lord of all the four directions!
O the Destroyer Lord of the four directions!
O the Donor Lord of all the four directions!
O the Known Lord of all the four directions!96.

chatar chakr varti, chatar chakr bharti
chatar chakr palai, chatar chakr kalai. (97)
O the Pervading Lord of the four directions!
O the Permeator Lord of all the four direction!
O the Sustainer Lord of all the four directions!
O the Destroyer Lord of all the four directions!97.

chatar chakr pasai, chatar chakr vasai
chatar chakr maniay, chatar chakr daniay. (98)
O the Lord Present in all the four direction!
O the Dweller Lord in all the four directions!
O the Lord Worshipped in all the four directions!
O the Donor Lord of all the four directions!98.


na satrun, na mitrun, na bharmun, na bhitrun. (99)
Thou art the Foeless Lord
Thou art the Friendless Lord
Thou art the Illusionless Lord
Thou art the Fearless Lord.99.

na karmun, na kaey, ajunmun, ajaey. (100)
Thou art the Actionless Lord
Thou art the Bodyless Lord
Thu art the Birthless Lord
Thou art the Aboleless Lord. 100.

na chitrun, na mitrun, parai hain, pevtrun. (101)
Thou art the Portrait-less Lord
Thou art the Friendliness Lord
Thou art the Attachment-free Lord
Thou art the Most Pure Lord. 101.

pirthisai, aadisai, aadirsai, akirsai. (102)
Thou art the World-Master Lord
Thou art the Primal Lord
Thou art the Invincible Lord
Thou art the Almighty Lord.102.


keh aachij daisai, keh aabhij bhaisai.
keh aagunj karmai, keh aabunj bharmai. (103)
That thy Abode is unconquerable!
That Thy Garb is unimpaired.
That Thou art beyond impact of Karmas!
That Thou art free from doubts. 103.
That Thy abode is unimpaired!

keh abhij lokai, keh aadit sokai.
keh avdhoot barnai, keh bebhoot karnai. (104)
That thy canst dry up the sun.
That Thy demeanour is saintly!
That thou art the Source of wealth.104.

keh rajun parbha hain, keh dharmun dhuja hain.
keh asok barnai, keh sarba abharnai. (105)
That Thou art the glory of kingdom!
That Thou art eh ensign of righteousness.
That Thou hast no worries!
That Thou art the ornamentation of all.105.

keh jagtun kriti hain, keh chatrun chutri hain.
keh brhmun sroppai, keh anbho anoopai. (106)
That Thou art the Creator of the universe!
That Thou art the Bravest of the Brave.
That Thou art All-Pervading Entity!
That Thou art the Source of Divine Knowledge.106.

keh adi adev hain. keh aap abhaiv hain.
keh chitrun beheenai. Keh aikai adheenai. (107)
That Thou art the Primal Entity without a Master!
That Thou art self-illumined !
That Thou art without any portrait!
That Thou art Master of Thyself! 107

keh rozi rjakai, reheemai rihakai.
keh pak beaib hain, keh gaibul gaib hain. (108)
That Thou art the Sustainer and Generous!
That Thou art the Re-deemer and Pure !
That Thou art Flawless!
That Thou art most Mysterious! 108

keh aphvul gunah hain. keh shahan shah hain.
keh karan kunind hain, keh roji dehund hain. (109)
That Thou forgivest sins!
That Thou art the Emperor of Emperors !
That Thou art Doer of everything!
That Thou art the Giver of the means of sustenance! 109

keh rajak reheem hain, keh karmun karim hain.
keh sarbun kli hain, keh sarbun dali hain. (110)
That Thou art the Generous Sustainer!
That Thou art the Most Compassionate!
That Thou art Omnipotent!
That Thou art the Destroyer of all ! 110

keh sarbatr gounai, keh sarbatr daniai.
keh sarbatr gounai, keh sarbatr bhounai. (111)
That Thou art worshipped by all!
That Thou art the Donor of all!
That Thou goest everywhere!
That Thou residest every-where! 111

keh sarbatr daisai, keh sarbatr bhaisai.
keh sarbatr rajai, keh sarbatr sajai. (112)
That Thou art in every country!
That Thou art in every garb!
That Thou art the King of all!
That Thou art the Creator of all ! 112

keh sarbatr deenai, keh sarbatr leenai.
keh sarbatr jaho, keh sarbatr bhaho. (113)
That Thou be longest to all religious!
That Thou art within everyone!
That Thou livest everywhere!
That Thou art the Glory of all ! 113

keh sarbatr daisai, keh sarbtar bhaisai
keh sarbatr kalai, keh sarbatr palai. (114)
That Thou art in all the countries!
That Thou art in all the garbs!
That Thou art the Destroyer of all!
That Thou art the Sustainer of all! 114

keh sarbatr hanta, keh sarbatr gunta
keh sarbatr bhaikhi, keh sarbatr paikhi. (115)
That Thou destroyest all!
That Thou goest to all the places!
That Thou wearest all the garbs!
That Thou seest all! 115

keh sarbatr kajai, keh sarbatr rajai keh sarbatr sokhai, keh sarbatr pokhai. (116)
That Thou art the cause of all!
That Thou art the Glory of all!
That Thou driest up all!
That Thou fillest up all! 116

keh sarbatr tranai, keh sarbatr pranai
keh sarbatr daisai, sarbatr bhaisai. (117)
That Thou art the Strength of all!
That Thou art the life of all!
That Thou art in all countries!
That Thou art in garbs! 117

keh sarbatr maniay, sadaivun pardhaniay
keh sarbatr japiay, keh sarbatr thapiay (118)
That Thou art worshipped everywhere!
That Thou art the Supreme Controller of all!
That Thou art remembered everywhere!
That Thou art established everywhere! 118

keh sarbatr bhanai, keh sarbatr manai
keh sarbatr indrai, keh sarbatr chundrai. (119)
That Thou illuminest everything!
That Thou art honoured by all!
That Thou art Indra (King) of all!
That Thou art the moon (Light) of all! 119

Keh sarbun kleemai, keh parmun phaheemai
keh aakl alamai, keh sahib klamai. (120)
That Thou art master off all powers!
That Thou art Most Intelligent !
That Thou art Most Wise and Learned!
That Thou art the Master of Languages! 120

keh husnul vjoo hain, tmamul rujoo hain.
hamaisul slamai, sleekht mudamai. (121)
That Thou art the Embodiment of Beauty!
That all look towards Thee !
That Thou abidest forever!
That Thou hast perpetual offspring! 121

gnimul shikstai, greebul prastai
belundul mkanai, zmeenul zmanai. (122)
That Thou art the conquereror of mighty enemies!
That Thou art the Protector of the lowly !
That Thy Abode is the Highest!
That Thou Pervadest on Earth and in Heavens! 122

tmeejul tmamai, rujooal nidhanai
hreephul ajeemai, rjaeik yakeenai. (123)
That Thou discriminatest all!
That Thou art most Considerate !
That Thou art the Greatest Friend!
That Thou art certainlyhe Giver of food ! 123

anaikul trung hain, abhaid hain abhung hain
ajijul nivaz hain, gneemul khiraj hain. (124)
That Thou, as Ocean, Hast innumerable waves!
That Thou art Immortal and none can know Thy secrets !
That Thou Protectest the devotees!
That Thou punishest the evil-doers ! 124

nirukt sroop hain, tirmukt bebhooti hain
parbhugt prbha hain. sojugt sudha hain. (125)
That Thy Entity is Indexpressible!
That Thy Glory is Beyond the three Modes!
That Thine is the Most Powerful Glow!
That Thou art ever united with all! 125

sdaivun sroop hain, abhaidi anoop hain.
smsto praj hain, sda sarb saj hain. (126)
That Thou art Eternal Entity!
That Thou art undivided and unparalleled !
That Thou art the Creator of all!
That Thou art ever the Ornamentation of all ! 126

smstul slam hain. sdaivul akam hain
nirbadh sroop hain, agadh hain anoop hain. (127)
That Thou art saluted by all!
That Thou art ever the Desireless Lord !
That Thou art Invincible!
That Thou art Impenetrable and Unparalleled Entity 127

oaun adi roopai, anadi sroopai
anungi anamai, tirbhungi tirkamai. (128)
That Thou art Aum the primal Entity!
That Thou art also without beginning!
That Thu art Bodyless and Nameless!
That Thou art the Destroyer and Restorer of three modes ! 128

tirbargun tirbadhai, agunjai agadhai
sobhun sarb bhagai, so sarba anuragai. (129)
That Thou art the Destroyer of three gods and modes!
That Thou art Immortal and Impenetrable !
That Thy Writ of Destiny is for all!
That Thou lovest all! 129

tirbhugt sroop hain, achij hain, achoot hain.
keh narkun prnas hain. pirtheeul prvasi hain. (130)
That Thou art the Enjoyer Entity of three worlds!
That Thou art Unbreakable and untouched!
That Thou art the Destroyer of hell!
That Thou Pervadest the Earth ! 130

nirukt prbha hain, sdaivun sda hain.
bebhugt sroop hain. prjugt anoop hain. (131)
That Thy Glory is Inexpressible!
That Thou art Eternal !
That Thou abidest in innumerable diverse guises!
That Thou art wonderfully united with all ! 131

nirukt sda hain, bebhugt prbha hain
anookt sroop hain, prjugt anoop hain. (132)
That Thou art ever Inexpressible!
That Thy Glory appears in diverse guises !
That Thy Form is Indescribable !
That Thou art wonderfully united with all ! 132


abhung hain, anung hain, abhaikh hain, alaikh hain. (133)
Thou art Indestructible !
Thou art Limbless.
Thou art Dessless !
Thou art Indescribable. 133.

abharm hain, akarm hain, anadi hain, jugadi hain. (134)
Thou art Illusionless!
Thou art Actionless.
Thou art Beginningless!
Thou art from the beginning of ages.

ajai hain, abai hain, abhoot hain, adhoot hain. (135)
Thou art Unconquerable !
Thou art Indestuctible.
Thou art Elementless!
Thou art Fearless. 135.

anas hain, odas hain, adhundh hain, abundh hain. (136)
Thou art Eternal !
Thou art Non-attached.
Thou art Non-involyed!
Thou art Unbound. 136.

abhagat hain, birkat hain, anas hain, parkas hain. (137)
Thou art Indivisible !
Thou art Non-attached.
Thou art Eternal !
Thou art Supreme Light. 137.

nechint hain, sonent hain, alikh hain, adikh hain. (138)
Thou art Carefree !
Thou canst restrain the senses.
Thou canst control the mind!
Thou art Invincible. 138.

alaikh hain, abhaikh hain, adhah hain, agah hain. (139)
Thou art Accountless!
Thou art Garbless.
Thou art Coastless!
Thou art Bottomless. 139.

asubh hain, agunbh hain, aneel hain, anadi hain. (140)
Thou art Unborn!
Thou art Bottomless.
Thou art Countless !
Thou art Beginningless. 140.

anit hain, sunit hain, ajat hain, ajadi hain. (141)
Thou art Causeless !
Thou art the Listener.
Thou art Unborn!
Thou art free. 141.


sarbun hunta, sarbun gunta, sabun khiaata, sarbun giaata. (142)
Thou art the Destroyer of all!
Thou art the Goer to all!
Thou art well-known to all!
Thou art the knower of all! 142

sarbun hunta, sarbun karta, sarbun pranun, sarbun tranun. (143)
Thou Killest all!
Thou Createst all!
Thou art the Life of all!
Thou art the Strength of all! 143

sabun karmun sabun dharmun, sabun jugta, sabun mukta (144)
Thou art in all works!
Thou art in all Religions !
Thou art united with all !
Thou art free from all! 144


namo sarb nasai, sdaivai prkasai
anungun sroopai, abhungun bebhootai (145)
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer of Hell Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Ever-Illumined Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Bodyless Entity Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Eternal and Effulgent Lord! 145

prmathun prmathai, sda sarb sathai
agadh sroopai, nirbadh bebhootai. (146)
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer of Tyrants Lord
Salutation to Thee O Companion of all Lord !
Salutation to Thee O Impenetrable Entity Lord
Salution to Thee O Non-annoying Glorious Lord! 146

anungi anamai, titbhungi tirkamai
nirbhungi sroopai, srbungi anoopai. (147)
Salutation to Thee O Limbless and Nameless LordA
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer and Restorer of three modes Lord !
Salutation tho Thee O Eternal Enity Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Unique in all respects Lord 147

na potrai na putrai, na strai na mitrai.
na tatai na matai, na jatai na patai. (148)
O Lord! Thou art Sonless and Grandsonless. O Lord!
Thou art Enemyless and Friendless.
O Lord! Thou art Fatherless and Motherless. O Lord!
Thou art Casteless. And Lineagless. 148.

nirsakun sreek hain, aunmto ameek hai
sdaivun prabha hain, ajai hain aja hain. (149)
O Lord! Thou art Relativeless. O Lord!
Thou art Limitless and Profound.
O Lord! Thou art Ever Glorious. O Lord !
Thou art Unconquerable and Unborn. 149.


keh zihr zhoor hain, keh hazr hzoor hain.
hmaisul slam hain, smstul klam hain. (150)
That Thou art visible illumination!
That Thou art All-Prevading !
That Thou art reveiver of Eternal conpliments !
That Thou art Venerated by all! 150

keh sahib demag hain, keh husnul charag hain.
keh kamal krim hain, keh razak rheem hain. (151)
That Thou art Most Intelligent!
That Thou art the Lamp of Beauty!
That Thou art completely Generous !
That Thou art Sustainer and Merciful ! 151

keh roji dehind hain, keh razak rhind hain
kreemul kamal hain, keh husnul jamal hain. (152)
That Thou art Giver of Sustenance !
That Thou art ever the Sustainer !
That Thou art the perfection of Generosity!
That Thou art Most Beautiful! 152

gnimul kheraj hain, greebul nivaj hain
hreephul shikun hain, herasul phekun hain. (153)
That Thou art the Penaliser of enemies !
That Thou art the Supporter of the poor !
That Thou art the Destroyer of enemies !
That Thou art the remover of Fear ! 153

klunkun prnas hain, smstul nivas hain.
agunjul gneem hain, rzaeik rheem hain. (154)
That Thou art the Destroyer of blemishes!
That Thou art the dweller in all!
That Thou art invincible by enemies !
That Thou art the Sustainer and Gracious! 154

smstul zban hain,keh sahib keran hain
keh narkun prnas hain, behshtul nivas hain. (155)
That Thou art the Master of all languages !
That Thou art the Most Glorious !
That Thou art the Destroyer of hell!
That Thou art the dweller in heaven! 155

keh sarbul gvnun hain, hamaisul rvun hain.
tmamul tmeez hain, smstul aziz hain. (156)
That Thou art the Goer to all!
That Thou art ever Blissful !
That Thou art the knower of all!
That Thou art dearest to all! 156

prun prm eis hain, smstul adees hain.
adaisul alaikh hain, hmaishul abhaikh hain. (157)
That Thou art the Lord of lords !
That Thou art hidden from all !
That Thou art countryless and accountless !
That Thou art ever garbles! 157

zmeenul zma hain, ameekul eima hain
kreemul kmal hain, keh jurat jmal hain. (158)
That Thou art in Earth and Heaven!
That Thou art Most Profound in signs!
That Thou art Most Generous !
That Thou art embodiment of courage and beauty ! 158

keh achlun prkash hain, keh amito sobas hain
keh ajb sroop hain, keh amito bebhooti hain. (159)
That Thou art perpetual illumination!
That Thou art Limitless fragrance !
That Thou art wonderful entity !
That Thou art Limitless Grandeur ! 159

keh amito psa hain, keh aatm prbha hain
keh achlun anung hain, keh amito abhung hain. (160)
That Thou art Limitless Expanse!
That Thou art selfluminous !
That Thou art Steady and Limbless!
That Thou art Infinite and Indestructible ! 160


muni muni prnam, gun gn mudam
ari br agunj, hrinar prbhunj. (161)
O Lord! The sages bow before Thee in their mind!
O Lord! Thou art ever the Treasure of virtues.
O Lord! Thou canst not be destroyed by great enemies !
O Lord! Thou art the Destroyer of all.161.

angn prnam, muni mun slam
har nar akhund, bur nur amund. (162)
O Lord! Innumerable beings bow before Thee. O Lord!
The sages salute Thee in their mind.
O Lord! Thou art complete controller of men. O Lord !
Thou canst not be installed by the chiefs. 162.

anbhav anas, muni mun parkas
gun gun prnam, jal thal mudam. (163)
O Lord! Thou art eternal knowledge. O Lord !
Thou art illumined in the hearts of the sages.
O Lord! The assemblies of virtuous bow before thee. O Lord !
Thou pervadest in water and on land. 163.

anchij aung, aasan abhung.
oopma apar, gati mit oodar. (164)
0 Lord ! Thy body is unbreakable. O Lord !
Thy seat is perpetual.
O Lord! Thy Praises are boundless. O Lord !
Thy nature is most Generous. 164.

jal thal amund, dis vis abhund.
jal thal mhunt, dis vis baiaunt. (165)
O Lord! Thou art most glorious in water and on land. O Lord !
Thou art free from slander at all places.
O Lord! Thou art Supreme in water and on land. O Lord !
Thou art endless in all directions. 165.

naubhv anas, dhirti dhar dhuras.
aajan bah, aikai sdahu. (166)
O Lord! Thou art eternal knowledge. O Lord !
Thou art Supreme among the contented ones.
O Lord! Thou art the arm of gods. O Lord !
Thou art ever the Only One. 166.

Oaunkar adi, kthni anadi.
khal khund khial, gur bur akal. (167)
O Lord! Thou art AUM, the origin of creation. O Lord !
Thou art stated to be without beginning.
O Lord! Thou destroyest the tyrants instantly!
O Lord thou art supreme and Immortal 167. !

ghar ghar prnam, chiti charn namu.
aachij gat, aajij na bat. (168)
O Lord! Thou art honoured in every house. O Lord !
Thy Feet and Thy Name are meditated in ever heart.
O Lord! Thy body never becomes old. O Lord !
Thou art never subservient to anybody. 168.

anjhunj gat, anrunj bat.
antut bhundar, antht apar. (169)
O Lord! Thy body is ever steady. O Lord!
Thou art free from rage.
O Lord! Thy store is inexhaustible. O Lord !
Thou art uninstalled and boundless.169.

aadeeth dharam, ati dheeth karm.
anbrn anunt, data mhunt. (170)
O Lord! Thy Law is imperceptible. O Lord !
Thy actions are most fearless.
O Lord! Thou art Invincible and Infinite. O Lord!
Thou art the Supreme Donor. 170.


karunalay hain, ari ghalay hain.
khal khandan hain, meh mundan hain.(171)
O Lord! Thou art the house of Mercy !
Lord! Thou art The Destroyer of enemies!
O Lord! Thou art the killer of evil persons !
O Lord! Thou art the ornamentation of Earth! 171

jugtaisver hain, prmaisver hain.
kli karan hain, sarb oobaran hain. (172)
O Lord! Thou art the Master of the universe!
O Lord! Thou art the supreme Ishvara !
O Lord! Thou art the cause of strife!
O Lord! Thou art the Saviour of all! 172

dhirt kai dharan hain, jug kai krn hain.
mun maniay hain jug janniay hain. (173)
O Lord! Thou art the support of the Earth!
O Lord! Thou art the Creator of the Universe!
0 Lord ! Thou art worshipped in the heart!
O Lord! Thou art known throughout the world! 173

sabun bhar hain, sabun kur hain.
sarb pasiay hain, sarb nasiay hain. (174)
O Lord! Thou art the Sustainer of all!
O Lord! Thou art the Creator of all!
O Lord! Thou pervadest all!
O Lord! Thou destroyest all! 174

krunakr hain, besvunbhr hain.
srbaisver hain, jgtaisver hain. (175)
O Lord! Thou art the Fountain of Mercy!
O Lord! Thou art the nourisher of the universe!
O Lord! Thou art master of all!
Lord! Thou art the Master of Universe ! 175

brhmundas hain, khal khundas hain.
pur tai pur hain, krunakr hain. (176)
O Lord! Thou art the life of the Universe !
O Lord! Thou art the destroyer of evil-doers!
O Lord ! Thou art beyond everything
O Lord! Thou art the Fountain of Mercy! 176

ajpajp hain, athpathp hain.
akirtakirti hain, aumritamirt hain. (177)
O Lord! Thou art the unmuttered mantra !
O Lord! Thou canst be installed by none !
O Lord! Thy Image canst not be fashioned !
O Lord! Thou art Immortal! 177

amiritamrit hain, krunakirti hain.
akirtakirti hain, dhurni dhirti hain. (178)
O Lord! Thou art immortal!
O Lord! Thou art the Merciful Entity!
O Lord Thy Image canst not be fashioned !
O Lord! Thou art the Support of the Earth! 178

ametaisver hain, prmaisver hain.
akirtakirt hain, amirtamirt hain. (179)
O Lord! Thou art the Master of Nectar!
O Lord! Thou art Supreme Ishvara !
O Lord! Thy Image canst not be fashioned !
O Lord! Thou art Immortal! 179

ajbakirt hain, amirtamirt hain.
nar naeik hain, khal ghaeik hain. (180)
O Lord! Thou art of Wonderful Form !
O Lord! Thou art Immortal!
0 Lord ! Thou art the Master of men !
O Lord! Thou art the destroyer of evil persons ! 180

besvunbhur hain, krunalay hain.
nirpnaeik hain, sarb paeik hain. (181)
O Lord! Thou art the Nourisher of the world!
O Lord! Thou art the House of Mercy!
O Lord! Thou art the Lord of the kings !
0 Lord ! Thou art the Protector of all ! 181

bhav bhunjan hain, ari gujan hain.
ripu tapan hain, jup japn hain. (182)
O Lord! Thou art the destroyer of the cycle of transmigration !
O Lord! Thou art the conqueror of enemies!
O Lord! Thou causest suffering to the enemies !
O Lord! Thou makest others to repeat Thy Name 182

aklunkit hain, sarbakirti hain.
karta kar hain, harta hur hain. (183)
O Lord! Thou art free from blemishes!
O Lord! All are Thy Forms!
O Lord! Thou art the Creator of the creators!
O Lord! Thou art the Destroyer of the destroyers ! 183

prmatm hain, sarbatm hain.
aatm bus hain, jus kai jus hain. (184)
O Lord! Thou art the Supreme Soul !
Lord! Thou art the origin of all the souls !
O Lord! Thou art controlled by Thyself !
O Lord! Thou art not subject! 184


namo sooraj soorjai amo chund chundrai
namo raj rajai namo eindr eindrai.
namo audhkarai namo taij taijai
namo birund birundai namo bij bijai. (185)
Salutation to Thee O Sun of suns !
Salutation to Thee O Moon of moons!

Salutation to Thee O King of kings !
Salutation to thee O Indra of Indras!
Salutation to Thee O Creator of pitch darkness! Salutation to Thee O Light of lights.!
Salutation to Thee O Greatest of the great (multitudes) Salutation to Three O Subtlest of the subtle ! 185

namo rajsun tamsun sant roopai
namo prm tutai atutun sroopai
namo jog jogai namo gian gianai
namo muntrun muntrai namo dhian dhianai. (186)
Salutation to Thee O embodiment of peace! Salutation to Thee O Entity bearing three modes!
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Essence and Elementless Entity!
Salutation to Thee O Fountain of all Yogas! Salutation to Thee O Fountain of all knowledge!
Salutation to Thee O Supreme Mantra ! Salutation to Thee O highest meditation 186.

namo judh judhai namo gian gianai. namo bhoj bhojai namo pan panai.
namo kleh karta namo santi roopai. namo einder eindrai anandun bebhootai. (187)
Salutation to Thee O Conqueror of wars! Salutation to Thee O Fountain of ball knowledge!
Salutation to Thee O Essence of Food! Salutation to Thee O Essence of Warter!
Salutation to Thee O Originator of Food! Salutation to Thee O Embodiment of Peace!
Salutation to Thee O Indra of Indras ! Salutation to Thee O Beginningless Effulgence ! 187.

klunkar roopai alunkar alunkai. namo aas aasai namo bank bunkai.
abhungi sroopai anungi anamai. tribhungi trekalai anungi akamai. (188)
Salutation to Thee O Entity inimical to blemishes! Salutation to Thee O Ornamentation of the ornaments
Salutation to Thee O Fulfiller of hopes ! Salutation to Thee O Most Beautiful!
Salutation to Thee O Eternal Entity, Limbless and Nameless!
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer of three worlds in three tenses! Salutation to O Limbless and Desireless Lord ! 188.


ajai, alai, abhai, abai (189)
O Unconquerable Lord!
O Indestructible Lord!
Ii O Fearless Lord!
O Indestructible Lord !189

abhoo, ajoo, anas, akas.(190)
O Unborn Lord !
O Perpetual Lord !
O Indestructible Lord!
O All-Pervasive Lord ! 190

agunj, abhunj, alkh, abhkh. (191)
Eternal Lord!
O Indivisible Lord!
O Unknowable Lord!
O Uninflammable Lord ! 191

akal, dayal, alaikh, abhaikh.(192)
O Non-Temporal Lord!
O Merciful Lord!
O Accountless Lord !
O Guiseless Lord ! 192

God is beyond name and desire. He is Unfathomable. He cannot be demolished. (193)
O Nameless Lord!
O Desireless Lord!
O Unfathomable Lord!
O Unfaltering Lord ! 193

anathai, prmathai, ajoni, amoni. (194)
O Masterless Lord!
O Greatest-Glorious Lord !
O Birthless Lord!
O Silenceless Lord ! 194

na ragai, na rungai, na roopai, na raikhai. (195)
O Unattached Lord !
O Colorless Lord!
O Formless Lord!
O Lineless Lord ! 195

akarmun, abharmun, agunjai, alaikhai. (196)
O Actionless Lord !
O Illusionless Lord !
O Indestructible Lord !
O Accountless Lord! 196


nmstul prnamai smstul prnasai
agunjal anamai smstul nivasai
nirkamung bebhootai smstul sroopai
kukrmun prnasi sudharmun bebhootai. (197)
Salutation to Thee O Most Venerated and Destroyer of all Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Indestructible, Nameless and All-Pervading Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Desireless, Glorious and All-Pervading Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer of Evil and Illuminator of Supreme Piety Lord ! 197.

sda sachdanund sutrun prnasi.
kreemul kuninda smstul nivasi
ajaeib bebhootai gjaeib gneemai
hreeaun kreeaun kreemul rheemai. (198)
Salutation to Thee O Perpetual Embodiment of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss and Destroyer of enemies Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Gracious Creator and All-Pervading Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Wonderful, Glorious and Calamity for enemies Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer, Creator, Gracious and Merciful Lord! 198.

chatr chakr varti chatr chakr bhugtai
soyunbhv sobhun sarbda sarb jugtai
dokalun prasi dayalun sroopai
sda aung sungai abhungun bebhootai. (199)
Salutation to Thee O Pervader and Enjoyer in all the four directions Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Self-Existent, Most Beautiful and United with all Lord!
Salutation to Thee O Destroyer of hard times and Embodiment of Mercy Lord!
Salutation to thee O Ever present with all, Indestructible and Glorious Lord ! 199.

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